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Yes... we REALLY have helped over 125 brands...

Today I give a HUGE shout out to Emblem! I needed help filming some body language tips for a client. With Covid, my normal green screen sources weren't open (and I wanted to make sure the quality was spot on). Even though this was a simple job and not a full marketing video, Brian from the team took me on!


Here's the deal with video shoots- if the video team doesn't put you at ease, the video will suffer. Brian is a master at creating an environment that is professional, yet also relaxed. He made me look great without fuss. I know I have more video experience than many of his normal clients, but I still get nervous too. Especially when filming for someone else's use. Thanks again, Brian!

Moving Image Consulting


Website Story Redesign

To get the most out of a website story redesign, we changed a number of areas:

1) changed the focus to the buyer (audience) rather than on the broker (client).

2) created an emotional vision of the future (feel) rather than just stating what they get (tell) 

3) Compared client's distinction to typical competitor

4) Wrote it with empathy and understanding in mind since first time home buying is an exciting, yet stressful and scary event

original industry story for mortgage lenders


updated brand story for mortgage lender NewCastle Loans



Recreate Speaker Reel

Linda wanted an updated speaker reel. She didn't feel her current one (Emblem didn't create) represented who she was or really sell her as a speaker. We came recommended for website updates but when she saw our vision for an updated reel she immediately said yes to that too. We built the video into sections so the narration overlays set the stage and her actual speaking comments confirmed the narrative. We also added a Call-To-Action at the beginning and end so the very first and last frames the viewers see is how to contact her - helping her book more speaking engagements.




Video Without a Voice

Most video projects are driven by the narration. What the talent or narrator says will dictate how and what visuals are shown to support the voice. So what do you do when you need to produce a video for events, where anyone watching it won't be able to hear the voice? You pace it to music and let the visuals drive the video.

1) Write the narrative whether it has a voice or not - it's not the audio, it's the messaging that's important

2) Switch the visuals up so it's not the same style throughout the entire video

3) Use graphics to create an emotional connection (they wanted a forward thinking approach - futuristic)

4) Add text to help explain all of the "must-haves"

5) Provide visually interesting transitions (more than just cuts and dissolves/fades - but for the love of god DON'T INCLUDE STARBURSTS!)

6) Include a Call-To-Action so any viewer can quickly reach out

7) Design the video to be looped (you'll rarely have a viewer see the video from start to finish since they're traveling the event floor

8) Always have a high quality offline version stored on a thumb drive AND on the computer prepped to play it (wifi signals are spotty and you don't want to have try and stream your videos)

Want to See Something Specific?

Due to the amount of projects we've completed, along with the special contract considerations (NDAs, IP, etc) there's no way to include all of our samples. Please reach out if you'd like to see anything in particular. We have a full library outside of this website and would be happy to send you a direct link if we're able to.


If you're in the brainstorming stage of a new endeavor, reach out and we can help point you in the right direction with a sample or two. They may help spark some creative ideas within your team.

~ Operating nationally ~

Based in Chicago & surrounding suburbs
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